Week 3 Story: "Justice"

"Thank you, greatest and honourable Rama." The words were strange against human lips, the sound of Ahalya's voice new to her after so many years. Her whole body ached in protest when she moved. After a thousand years of stone, Ahalya could again feel the soft breeze, and the sun's warmth. She could feel the dirt squish between her toes, and the blood flow through her body as if singing. And finally, she could exact the justice that was due. To live as granite until Rama happened along after a thousand years was not a punishment any person deserved. Rama had said not to let the past burden her, but he did not know that it had become her purpose. When Rama and company left, she quickly gathered a special herb from the brushes nearby. She returned to her husband, who had been waiting. Gautama opened his arms to Ahalya, and they entered the ashram as renewed husband and wife. A purified heart Rama had told Gautama, but Gautama in all his wisdom was still suspicious. Eve...