Reading Notes: Narayan's Ramayana Part B

The Ramayana, Pages 53-89
Characters: King Dasaratha, Sage Vasishtha, Kausalya, Rama, Kaikeyi, Bharatha, Sumithra, Lakshamana, Sathrugna, Sita, Mareecha, the people of Adyodhya (follow Rama), Jatayu, Kamavalli/Soorpanaka, Ravana, Kara
POV: Narayan translates the poet Kamban's version of The Ramayana
Setting(s): the kingdom/country of Kosala, Adyodhya the capital, Chitrakuta (forest exile), Panchvati (forest exile)
Deities and demons: Shiva (referenced), Mareecha, Manmata (mentioned several times, god of love, aka Kamdeva), Ravana, Vayu (god of wind), Yama (god of death), Kara (stepbrother of Soorpanaka)
Favourite sentences/phrases:
"A word given is like an arrow, it goes forward. You cannot recall it midway..." -Rama on fulfilling his father's words
"While I fly, follow me in the shadow of my wings." -Jatayu
"A serpent's feet are known to another serpent." -Soorpanaka to Rama
Section Summaries:
Chapter 3: Two Promises Revived (Part B, pg 53)
King Dasaratha dies of the stress from Rama leaving; Bharatha begs Rama to return but Rama refuses and his journey in 14 year exile begins with Sita and Lakshamana; Bharatha places the shoes of Rama on the throne and rules as regent outside the city, awaiting his return
Chapter 4: Encounters in Exile
The trio meet Jatayu who was loyal to their father and now vows to watch over them in their exile.
Rama meets Ravana's sister, Soorpanaka who disguises herself as a beautiful woman calling herself Kamavalli; Rama seems enamoured by her at first but then realises the deceit, plays along for a while; Soorpanaka tries to seduce Rama but becomes enraged when she sees Sita and plots to get rid of her; Lakshmanana stops her and cuts off her nose, ears and breasts; deformed she goes to Kara to have him seek revenge; he is defeated by Rama
Chapter 5: The Grand Tormentor
Introduction to the demon king Ravana; Soorpanaka asks him to get justice for what was done to her; she makes him infatuated with Sita; Ravana beseeches Mareecha to trick Rama and Lakshamana (he does so in the form of a beautiful deer that entrances Sita and she asks Rama to catch it for her) so that he can capture Sita; Ravana steals Sita away; Jatayu tries to stop him but to no avail, and has his wings cut; he dies just as he tells Rama and Lakshamana that Sita has been taken.
Statue of Ravana. Source: Flickr

Reference: R. K. Narayan. The Ramayana [Print].


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