My Favourite Places: From Island to Mainland

The East Coast, Barbados
I grew up in Barbados, a Southeast island in the Caribbean, and because it's such a small place, the coast is probably just a little longer than 21 miles (the actual length of Barbados!). Only the really adventurous swim on the east coast, as the beaches are marked by rough sand and sharp rocks. However, the view from almost any spot is beautiful, and the smell and sound of the crashing waves makes it a peaceful, almost surreal place:

(Personal picture: taken from St. John, a parish on the east coast of Barbados)

And here is a picture of one of the beaches on the east coast as well:

Bathsheba, St. Joseph, Barbados. Source:
*Fun fact: An episode of the 54 Season drama "The Days of Our Lives" was filmed on this beach" :)

Ontario, Canada
Many Barbadians move to Canada, including several of my family members. I've visited Canada a few times over the years, and I studied in British Columbia for the last two years of secondary school. Ontario is my favourite province so far, especially in the areas in and around downtown Toronto. I think overall Canada would be a wonderful place to live and there are vast differences in the landscapes across each province.

Harbourfront, Downtown Toronto, Ontario. Source: Flickr
Even though I grew up in heat, I love to see snow!

Personal picture: Snow!! The view from my uncle's patio in Oshawa, Ontario, from an overnight snowfall


  1. Oh, this is wonderful, Daana: you made me curious when you asked about British spelling (yay for favourites!). And how great that you grew up in Barbados! My high school English teacher was from Barbados! Which makes for a huge contrast between the climate of the island and what you find in Canada of course. Here's a random India/Caribbean factoid: one of the largest Hanuman statues in the world is in Trinidad: 85FT Hanuman Murti in Carapichaima, Trinidad ... you'll be meeting up with Hanuman in the Ramayana in Week 3. :-)

  2. Hi Daana!

    You are absolutely right. Barbados from any view is beautiful. The personal picture you picked, the clouds look so fluffy, the sky is crystal blue, and the grass is the greenest green I have ever sees. WOW. You make me want to visit Barbados. I think its so ironic that you grew up in such a warm place but prefer the cold. I love the cold too. I would rather be cold than hot.

  3. Hey Daana! Wow, these are beautiful pictures! I have never been to Barbados but this pictures sure make me want to! Also I had no idea that the coast is only 21 miles, that is crazy. Your description of what it is like to be there is excellent, it made me feel like I was there. I've also never been to Ontario but that is definitely on the bucket list as well!


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