An Introduction to a Bajan Animal Enthusiast

Hi everyone! :)

My name is Daana Roach, and I am a Chemical Biosciences (Pre-Vet) major with minors in Psychology and Biological Conservation. With this odd combination, I am (hopefully) going to pursue a programme in Veterinary Conservation Medicine after I graduate. I want to work with endangered species and in conservation efforts, especially concerning marine life or big cats of the genus Panthera:
Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis), listed as critically endangered by the IUCN. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Psychology isn't necessarily tied to any of these plans, but I really enjoy it.
I grew up in Barbados, an island in the Southeast of the Caribbean, and finished up secondary school in Canada before coming to OU. I may be biased, but Barbados has some of the most beautiful beaches in the region. It's 166 sq miles big (or small maybe haha), and has a population of about approximately 300, 000.
Personal image taken of Miami Beach at sunset, Barbados. 

I'm currently in my Junior year. Last semester, although infamous in name, my favourite class was Biochemistry. I learnt so many new things from the course, and most of the topics were very relevant to my major. However, although I love chemistry and science in general, I don't really have a penchant for research. I admire people who can conduct experiments for months at a time.
I am definitely more of a hands on person, and enjoy working in the field. Over the summers, I've volunteered at animal shelters and veterinary clinics, the last at which I adopted my current cat, Jasper, within the first week. Other than animals, I really enjoy any of the arts, and I took several forms of dance in Barbados before I left. One of my favourite dance forms is tap:
"Tap shoes". (Personal Image)

I love reading as well, so if anyone has book suggestions I am always open to them!
One place I've always wanted to visit is Paris, and then explore the rest of Europe from there. My music taste ranges tremendously, but I tend to listen to a lot of Caribbean music when I'm in the US. A general rule for me is that if it's 'danceable' to, I'll like it, even if the dancing is a bit sporadic :). My mother is a teacher, and following her, I hope to one day retire to teach at the college level. I currently tutor through OU. And last but not least, here is a little video of my cat, Jasper:
Jasper, the part-dog cat who chases dogs, jumps in cars, and sits for food. (Personal Video)

A Bajan Animal Enthusiast 


  1. Hi Daana! I find it fascinating that you want to work with endangered animals. I always see posts on Facebook or Reddit about how some animal is now endangered and on the brink of being extinct. I also have a cat! Her name is Alex and she goes insane when its time to be fed. She'll zoom around my apartment and then climb up her cat tree before she goes and inspects her food bowl!

  2. Hello Daana, I am soooooo envious that you grew up in such a beautiful place! I love beaches, and have been to many, but not yet to Barbados, although it is on my list. I fly standby, and for some reason, Barbados is difficult for me to get to. If you have any suggestions, for when I actually make it, let me know! I love local food!
    Your cat, Jasper, seems to have quite the personality! I love animals as well, and I would love to hear about the differences in your behavior in interacting with the wild, endangered species, versus, say, your cat. Outside of the obvious, a course. I enjoyed reading your Introduction Post!

  3. Oh, how cool to see Jasper in action like that, Daana: wonderful! I think that is the first video I have seen of someone's pet. I made a Pet Padlet where people can share pictures of their pets, and I think you can upload a video there too, although that's something I haven't tried. Here's the "Pet Padlet" -- Padlet Tech Tips, which is a fun way to do an extra credit Tech Tip thing.
    And I am also a fan of cats, small and big. I emailed you about Anansi Boys, and while I love that book, it is dismaying to think about "Tiger" as a character in that book as representing the world no one would want to live in. It's so intriguing how "Tiger" gets to be the name for the big cat in Anansi stories from the Caribbean and also in Brer Rabbit stories from the southern United States. Are there any big cats in Barbados? I'm living in North Carolina right now, where there are bobcats. We used to live in Arizona when I was little, and my dad saw a mountain lion once hiking there!
    Anyway, the Indian tradition can offer you animal stories (including actual tigers!) plus music and dance galore, so I hope that you will enjoy the class and find a project that resonates with your wide-ranging interests!

  4. Hey Daana,
    I think it's wonderful that you want to go to the Veterinary Conservation of Medicine. You seem like the type of person that has a big heart. The only thing that I knew about Barbados is that Rihanna is from there, but now I know it has a beautiful sunset. I am also a science major and I love chemistry! Biochemistry was hard, but one of the most interesting classes I have taken.
    Your classmate,
    Joanna Yoon

  5. Howdy Daana! I think your future plans to work with the conservation of endangered species is awesome. I loved to watch Steve Irwin as a kid, and now I love to watch the new show about the Australia Zoo and his family also. From watching these shows, I have learned a lot about wildlife conservation and find it fascinating as well.

    Jasper seems to be a very playful and possibly mischievous cat. Jasper is also super cute. Over break, my sister and I rescued a solid black cat who is very lazy and sassy, her name is Midge. Midge is just the latest addition to our backyard cat ensemble of five.

    I also love that you still have a love for dance. I danced as a child and my favorite form was jazz, but then I was like every other cliché and went from dancing to cheering. I still love to watch other people dance, but I would never be caught dancing anymore.

    It was nice to meet you,
    Your peer, Hannah

  6. Hi Daana! I think it is incredible that you want to work on conservation efforts for endangered species! It is such an admirable and important line of work - I firmly believe it is our responsibility to honor and protect the earth and her creatures. I have always wanted to visit the Caribbean; your photo of the sunset in Barbados is stunning! If I ever have an opportunity to travel to that region of the world I will make sure to remember your unbiased island preference :) I am also a lover of the arts, and dance holds a very special place in my heart; I am actually here at OU pursuing a degree in ballet! How cool that you did tap - I took tap classes for several years growing up and really enjoyed them, but I always found it to be a very difficult style to master. I am also definitely going to be looking into Caribbean music, as I don't think I've ever heard it before! Do you have any suggestions?

  7. Hey Daana! That sounds like a very awesome career field. I am also fascinated with marine life. When I lived on an island in the Pacific I learned how to scuba dive and going below the surface you find so many creatures and life that you never knew existed. It is all so incredible! I have never been to Barbados but might have to since it does look so beautiful and I love beaches. Wow, that is also really cool how you enjoyed biochem. I took it a couple semesters ago with Dr. Sims and although it was my hardest class it was definitely the most interesting and rewarding. I was able to learn so much about life and how it operates from that class. What classes do you tutor for? I always wanted to be a tutor in Chemistry. Good Luck with your semester!

  8. Hi Daana! Your blog post was very informative, and I felt like I learned a lot about you. I want to commend on your aspirations in Veterinary Conservation Medicine. I have a fascination with turtles and tortoises and I always follow new developments that are being done to help sea turtles survive in the ocean. I also think that it is awesome that you have had such a diverse educational experience. First, in Barbados and then in Canada. I personally do not dance myself, but I do appreciate the technique and work that goes into becoming a good dancer. The best of luck to you in your future endeavors!

  9. Hi Daana!

    I just want to say right off the bat the video of your cat, Jasper, made my day. Jasper is too cute. Your major seems so fascinating. I wonder do you have a type of animal or a specific animal that is your favorite. Pleas let me know if an animal shelter has a corgi i can adopt. It is my dream to have a corgi to love but sadly, my parents are not too taken to animals so I would have to wait on that. I, too, love music. I like anything the just makes you feel happy and dance-y!

  10. Hi Daana!
    You have such a unique life, I'm jealous! I'm curious, what made you decide to come to the University of Oklahoma from Barbados? Barbados seems so beautiful I don't think I'd ever want to leave. Your future aspirations are also inspiring, and I love big cats myself. There's not a whole lot of overlap between marine life and big cats, what made you narrow your focus to those two areas? Good to meet you!

  11. Hello Daana!

    I think it is so cool that you want to become a vet! Both my aunt and uncle are vets and I have spent many hours at their clinic watching surgeries. I am not pre-vet but am pre-dental. I think many of the classes we have to take are similar because I too took biochemistry. While the class was difficult, I enjoyed it and learned a ton about chemical processes that are happening in us all the time. It was good to meet you! I am excited to read your stories!

  12. Hello there, Daana!

    I think it is so cool and interesting that you grew up in Barbados! Did you live near the beach?? I'm very jealous. I've never been to Canada but I know it's beautiful up there. It's cool that you have had such enlightening experiences with different people in some highly contrasting climates. I, too, have always had a love for animals and have always thought being a vet would be so cool. I think it is so smart that you have a lot of different aspects of your degree plan... it's always best to pursue all of your interests and keep as many doors open as possible!

  13. Hi Daana! I related a lot to your blog! I'm a psychology major but also pre-pharmacy. The two aren't really related but I find both interesting in their respective ways. Also one of my favorite classes was Biochemistry as well! Although it was not the easiest, the content was so applicable and meshes so well together-plus I love a good challenge. When I hear of Barbados I think of Rihanna :) so it is cool hearing it from a different perspective of someone who has lived there. I look forward to seeing more :)

  14. Hey Daana! Wow your majors and minors are a mouthful! It is so cool that you know what you want to do and you are passionate about it. I do not know much about animals but I do find them fascinating to learn about. The leopard you have pictured is gorgeous and it would be fascinating to learn how its body functions and stuff, it's very cool that you want to learn that.

  15. Hey Daana! It’s really neat that you’re minoring in Psychology, that’s my major! The image you attached to your introductory blog post, of the sunset you watched in Barbados, was absolutely astonishing! I have a friend studying in Barbados, for medical school, right now; she says the views are nothing short of breathtaking! Looking forward to reading more of your blog!

  16. Hi Daana! That is so cool that you want to work with endangered animals! I love animals so much and even wanted to be a zoologist when I was kid! I mentioned on another classmate's posts how crazy it is that we all have such different passions! Mine happens to be psychology so I love that you're minoring in it just to learn more. It is super interesting and the only thing I liked when I was 18 and forced to pick a major! Thanks for sharing!

  17. Daana!

    Just my luck to get your page this week. I was looking forward to getting to find your page haha. I loved being able to learn more about you through your introduction. I did not realize that you wanted to go into conservation! I am now curious as to why specifically that Genus of animals. You are so intelligent! I am not even surprised that you tutor. You are just an outstanding partner in lab. For not loving the lab, you sure are very good at it haha. I am so glad I got to read your intro, and I look forward to reading your stories here on out!



  18. I have to agree, that seems like an odd combination of a major and minors. Though, it'll probably be helpful in the long run. Plus I'm sure you get to learn tons of cool stuff. I love the cat! I had a cat during my childhood who would chase off all the dogs. Didn't matter how big they were, she was not dealing with them!

  19. Hi Daana, I enjoyed reading your introduction post. I think its super cool you have a such a passion for animals. I can see it in your writing as well after just reading your story about the deer writing the the author. I hope you are able to find a position or job one day that fits all your passions! There is nothing better than being able to do what you love all day every day.

  20. Hi Daana, it is very nice to meet you! Woah, your goals of becoming a vet and working with endangered species is incredible! You rarely meet someone with these aspirations and I feel like it is even more rare here at OU. You growing ups years sound so cool being from such a beautiful island! How cool would it be to work with marine life in your home country? I also really admire your future future goal of becoming a college professor. I am sure with the background you hope to have you could share a lot of quality information.

  21. HI Daana!
    I love tap too! I loved the rhythms and how the movements are so much different than the other dance types. Also, tap dances always had the best costumes so when I was younger that helped me love it. You have so many different interests. I wish you luck in all of them!

  22. Hi Daana!

    I'm glad you enjoyed chemistry. It was actually the prospect of taking more chemistry that made me change my major from biomedical engineering to mechanical engineering my freshman year. Your kitty is adorable. Also, if you're looking for book recommendations, might I suggest An Absolutely Remarkable Thing, by Hank Green. It looks at how we interact with social media, what it means to be famous, and what are the social responsibilities of being famous. It borders on sci-fi, but is set in modern day America. If you want something a little more historical, The Book Thief by Neil Gaiman is excellent. What interested me about it is that it is narrated by Death.

  23. Hi Daana!

    I also have a friend who is Pre-Vet! She goes to Oklahoma State University! Also, that is a beautiful picture of Barbados! I see that you were in Canada before you came to Oklahoma. Do you visit Canada and Barbados often? How did you end up coming to OU?
    Anyway, good luck with the semester! And good luck with pre-vet!

  24. Hi Daana! My little sister wants to be a vet. She is a senior in high school but is thinking about going to OSU for college instead of OU. Is there any advice you think i should give her before she starts college? I don't know a lot about being a vet so any info would be very helpful to pass along. Good luck with the rest of your career!

  25. Hi Daana!
    I love Tap! It is such a fun style of dance. I love the rhythms and sounds. I always found it more fun than other styles. Glad you agree.
    Good luck with pre-vet. Veterinarians are so important and conservation efforts are very important, especially with how the environment is now. Animals deserve all of our help after the mess we have made.

  26. Hey Daana,

    That’s so great that you know exactly what you want to do. Conservation, if you get out into the field, must be an exciting thing to work on. And that’s crazy that you grew up in Barbados – what, then, brought you to Oklahoma?

    And I didn’t realize there were part dog-cats, but you’re the animal person, not me, so I’ll trust you :).


  27. Hi Daana!

    Wildlife conservation is so important, so good for you! I’m also extremely jealous that you grew up in Barbados! I have never been so I will take your word for it that they have the most beautiful beaches! Biochemistry, despite being infamous as you say, is such an important class, so I’m so happy to hear that you enjoyed it! (I work in a biochemistry lab so I’m a little biased). I definitely recommend trying to do some sort of Study Abroad while you’re at OU, in either France or Arezzo, it’s a great excuse to go see Europe!

  28. Hi Daana!
    I am sooooo incredibly jealous that you grew up in such a beautiful country. I personally have never been to Barbados, but I have heard wonderful things, and I have been to some other Caribbean countries, and they were all amazing. I'm a huge beach person, so I would love to be able to see these wonderful beaches you talk about!!

  29. Hello Daana! I noticed you are thinking of going into higher ed! That's super cool! I'm a social studies education major and want to teach World Geography/U.S. History to 7th/8th graders respectively. I also used to dance. And by used to I mean I took a ballet class when I was like 7 and refused to stand up after our break like 10 minutes in. I was never much for intense physical exercise.

  30. Hey there Daana!
    It was nice getting to know you through your post! Your ambitions are admirable and I wish you the best of luck in achieving your dreams! The personal pictures you posted are stunning! Especially the one of the sunset! I once got to visit my aunt in Canada! I can't wait to go back!

  31. Hi Daana,

    I think it is really amazing you want to work in conservation efforts and with endangered species. I am also not the kind of person who would like to do research. I am a psychology major and with that comes opportunities to work in research but that is just not for me. I look forward to reading more of your blog posts in the future!

  32. Hi Daana,
    That’s really cool that you want to work with endangered species. I don’t think that I have met anyone who is a Pre-vet major. I’m also a psychology major and I love it. It’s really cool that you’re from Barbados. My old roommate was from Barbados and she would tell me all these different stories about her culture and her hometown. Anyway, it was really nice to meet you and hope you have a great rest of the semester.

  33. Hey Daana,
    I think your career goals are so amazing and important. I am going into a health/environment field and I hope to help people and the environment as well. I also loved biochemistry, I took it in the summer and had a lot of fun, although it was not my favorite! Barbados is most definitely high on my places to go, what was moving to the states like? Especially moving to a land locked state?

  34. First of all, Jasper seems quite the catch. I used to be such a cat person before I also worked at a veterinary hospital and just started falling in love with dogs, so here I am now a dog-parent to two rowdy pups. I used to be a pre-vet Bio major but I found the workload to be too difficult and stressful even though I am really passionate about animals, I ended switching to a more creative major that I enjoy in every aspect!

  35. Hey Daana! I have always wanted to visit the Caribbean, but I bet you hear that often as it is a popular dream vacation destination. You have an interesting choice in majors too. I have always had an interest in biology and psychology, but I didn't think I wanted to go that route here in college so I went with mathematics instead. That makes it sound like I settled; I really just loved math more so I chose that instead. Unlike you, though, I really enjoy the research stuff and actually dislike hands-on stuff. Still, good luck with your studies. Just one more year, hopefully!


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