Week 7 Story: "A Letter to the Author"

Writing a Letter. Source : Flickr Dear Mr Narayan, On behalf of my community, I would like you to stop writing us into your stories. Most of my kind are already tempted to be suing you, Dear Sir. Do you know how tired I am of being blamed in those tales? Over and over you write us as the devious character, the one that leads the protagonists astray, or the one that's always the source of some trouble. I am sick of it! We as a species are sick of it, Sir. First, it was the whole mess with Sita and Rama. Alright, I know we are mesmerising and we do have a certain graceful, dare I be saying, divine , appearance but good sir, I implore you, do you really think a deer would lead the great Rama astray? Why couldn't you pick a slimy snake or a fearsome grizzly bear? Perhaps even a nasty hyena? Perfect little storytelling element right there, I might be adding. You could say he got his comeuppance from Rama and Lakshamana in the middle of his laughter! Or what about a golden ...