Meme Generator Tech Tip: Moments from Ramayana

I really enjoyed making these! I used the meme generator "ImgFlip" to make them:


  1. Daana,

    These are all gold! I actually laughed out loud at the first one! I think it is so funny that our generation can relate to and communicate through these funny little pictures called memes! I am terrible at making them, but you made it seem so easy! I am definitely going to have to try it out for my next tech tip! What's funny is this was exactly my reaction to Sita getting captured! I could just feel how annoyed Rama's brother was that Rama went after the deer despite every logical bone in his body screaming him not to. Thanks for posting!

  2. Hi Daana! I am completely excited to try this out! I am assuming it was for extra credit. It is extra credit that has lead me to your post. How clever our Professor is :) I thought the way you re-did these popular memes was genius! Particularly the first one, with the couple. Haha, too funny! Thanks for the great idea!

  3. Hey Daana,
    Haha your memes are hilarious and accurate! I really need to try this tech tip. I have not made a meme before. It would be a fun extra credit assignment to do. My favorite one is the pikachu one because of the expression. It is cute and funny. It is funnier because Lakshmana warned Rama. What is new though? Rama making bad decisions??
    Your classmate,


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