Reading Notes: The Mahabharata Part B

The Mahabharata, Pages 40-83
POV: Narayan's translated version of The Mahabharata 
Section Summaries:
Uncle's Gift
Something must be done of course, for the Pandavas are actually alive! Duryodhana again whispers malice in his father's ears against the Pandavas and Dhritarashtra becomes worried about what the Pnadavas may do; however, even with his son's misgivings, Dhritarashtra instead invites them back to his city and divides the kingdom so that the Pandavas may also rule over a section called Khandavapasthra; it is barren but they make the most of it and come to build a vast beautiful city; Arjuna makes a mistake regarding the vow they all took when another brother was accompnaying Draupadi and is banished for twelve years (marries a princess of the serpent world, Ulupi, [a naga in some versions] and Krishna's sister Subadhra)
City of Splendor
Duryodhana visiis the Pandavas built kingdom and immediately becomes jealous, of course; he consults with Sakuni and they plot the downfall of the Pandavas by a game of die, after he makes his father build a similar grandiose hall called the Crystal Palace; at this point Yudistira receives a warning/prophecy from Sage Vyasa who predicts the downfall of the Pandavas at Yud's downfall
Stakes Unmatched
The great gambling match! Yud essentially gambles away everything to Sukina, who plays on behalf of Duryodhana and is sly with the die; every time Yud bets, the stakes are placed higher but are essentially 'unmatched' as Sukina does not bet either but continues to win as if he has power over the die (*cool title); each time Sukina wins he simply says "I win"; eventually Yud gambles away his brothers, himself and then Draudpadi (!); during this time, Vidura pleads with Dhritarashtra to stop allowing his sons words to get with him, telling him to cast him out the family as he is 'jacka' (here even Ghandari his mother agrees); after much and forth she comes to the hall and Dussasana tried to pull off her garments; she prays to Krishna and he blesses her: every time Dussasana tries to pull off the cloth more and more comes into his hand and Draupadi is left still in her sari; Dhritarashtra feels immense guilt and gives Draupadi a few boons in which she releases herself and the Pnadavas from the gambling conditions; however, Yud is driven to gamble again as Duryodhana makes his father call them back to gamble again; this time when Yud loses, the Pandavas are to live in exile for fourteen years
This part follows the Pandavas in their banishment; notable things are Draupadi arguing with Yud over their state of life and his other brothers joining in; Vidura visiting after being banished by the king as well and then having to return; the Sun God appearing and gifting Yud with a copper bowl which once Draupadi (Panchali) holds will bare limitless food; Arjuna goes on a spiritual journey to learn many different arts of war under the guidance of the gods, especially his father Indra; at the end of the chapter, the Panchavas, after planning and plotting how to deal with their cousins who had wronged them, are ready to return to the kingdom.

Die as cast, the gamble. Source: Flickr

Reference: R K. Narayan. The Mahabharata, [Print].


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